Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lesson 5: The Cone of Experience


The Cone is a visual analogy, and like all analogies, it does not bear an exact and detailed relationship to the complex elements it represents...-Edgar Dale.


The Cone of experience shows the different experiences that can be used in order for the child to learn. The biggest portion is the direct purposeful experiences going up to the verbal symbols.This is arrange according to abstraction and not according to difficulty.


The cone of experience could be used by teachers in teaching the student. If you could remember one step in the process of systematic approach to teaching is the choosing of appropriate materials and that could give the students learning at its best.In choosing, the teacher should take in consideration the method to be used wherein the materials would be based.

Lesson 4: Systematic Approach to Teaching


Teaching is not just a simple job. He or she must be systematic. This means that a teacher must follow a step-by-step process in order to effect learning. The focus of the systematic instructional planning is the student.

The Steps are the ff:
1.Defining the objectives
2.Choose appropriate method
3.Choose appropriate experiences
4.Choose appropriate materials
5.Assign personnel
6.Implement the instruction
7.Evaluates the instruction
8.Refine Objectives


As teachers we should be systematic in giving our discussion so that there would be a smooth flow in tackling the lesson.First, there must be a clear objectives to be the basis of how you will give the lesson,next would be choosing what approach or method,then experiences and materials to be used. After that the teacher assign roles for the students to participate.Then here comes the instruction proper. After the instruction the teacher follow ups if the students had learned or not.If not, then the objectives must be improved.


The systematic approach in teaching would be a great help in the teaching-learning process.So the teacher must be systematic so that the discussion would be well-organized and there would be a productive time in the classroom.

Lesson 3: The Roles of Educational Technology in Learning


Traditional Point of View:
Technology serves as a source and presenter of knowledge.

Modern/Constructivist Point of View:
Educational technology serves as learning tools that learners learn with not from.

When used effectively, research indicates that technology increases students' learning, understanding and achievement but it also augments motivation to learn, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Educational technology plays a vital role in students learning. It arouse interest of the students in order for them to learn. The technology being used by teachers help students understanding.


As future teachers, we can use various educational medias in order for the discussion to be active. After using the technology there must be evaluation in order to test their understanding regarding a certain matter and to measure whether the students would have a concrete experiences which would be the basis of their learning.

Lesson 2:Technology: Boon or Bane


Technology is a blessing for man. With technology, there is a lot that we can do which we could not do then. Technology is made for the teacher and not the teacher for technology. It is very helpful but if not used properly, technology becomes a detriment to learning and development.

Good effect:

*Technology contributes to the development and improvement of the teaching-learning process and to the humanization of life.

It has bad effects if not used properly:

*it can destroy relationships
*it can erode marital relationship
*for those who surfs porno in the internet, it affects their moral life


With the technology our works becomes easier and faster. In fact almost all the things we used are product of technology. The point is we should be responsible and accountable of our actions.We must not abused the technology to the extent that it hinders the achievement of our dreams and deteriorates our eagerness to learn.


As a future teacher, we should teach our students to be well-verse with computers because it can help them a lot in their students and to broaden their knowledge and understanding of a lesson or subject. But we should not let them to google most of their time on it that will cause them to be less active in school. There should be balance of everything so that there would be harmony and so that we can live a worthy and fulfilling life.

Lesson 1: The Meaning of Educational Technology


There are many definitions of educational technology. Before we can fully understand it we must first find the meaning of technology. Technology refers to all the ways people use their inventions to satisfy their needs.So from it we can define Educational Technology, it is the art or craft of responding to our educational needs.

There are still many definitions of Ed.Tech as follows:
*use of all human inventions and discoveries to satisfy our educational needs and desires i.e. learning.
*devices, tools, equipments, educational media, activities, procedures and processes.
*instructional technology
*application of technology in the educative process that takes place in such educational institution.


Educational Technology as an invention has a great role to do in the process of teaching and learning as well. Educational technology is a great help in order for us teachers to be and students for now to learn faster and better through the trend of the developing technology.


Educational Technology can be used when we will become teachers. Our job would be easier because we would not bring some works at home which are very tiring. We can use computers, projectors,internet and other educational media in order to facilitate learning in the most effective way. It would be a good start for us to try this educational technology in order for our learners to be technologically updated and globally competent.
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